This advanced unit built on postgraduate students’ knowledge and skills to apply business theories and marketing frameworks to strategically respond to the challenges and opportunities faced by international marketers today. As a member of the teaching team in 2018, I was responsible for delivering weekly tutorials to support the content delivered in the unit lectures, as […]
Entrepreneurship for Translators & Interpreters: Invited Talk
I developed and delivered a talk recently on Entrepreneurship for Translators & Interpreters: Strategies from the academic literature“. It came about after an invitation to speak at this year’s Australian Society of Interpreters and Translators (Queensland Branch) Conference in Brisbane. My aim was to inspire and motivate my audience to consider how they could proactively […]
Bridging Cultures: Teaching
This well-regarded and successful undergraduate unit enhances students’ awareness, understanding, sensitivity and ability to deal with people from a range of different cultural backgrounds. Such skills and attitudes are crucial in increasingly globalised work settings. As a member of the teaching team, I am responsible for delivering weekly tutorials to support the content delivered in […]
PhD Milestone: Confirmation
Doctoral study at my university requires candidates to successfully pass through three main milestones: a ‘Stage 2 Proposal‘ around three months after admission, when the research proposal is bedded down; a ‘Confirmation Seminar and Report‘ around 12 months in, when the bulk of the literature review is presented to a panel of examiners, to justify […]
Business by Twilight
Last week’s Business by Twilight event at QUT Business School included a fun session to try out some useful techniques for designing innovative customer-centric experiences. The takeaways were practical and insightful, and although the session was geared towards service design, I could definitely see the implications for idea generation more broadly. I especially enjoyed interacting […]
Winter at QUT, Queensland style
Feeling chilly is such a novelty, we build party themes out of it 🙂 #OnlyInQLD #BrisbaneAnyDay